Many people have quadriceps muscles that are much stronger than their hamstrings. When one of the pair of muscles is disproportionately stronger than the other, the weaker of the two is at an increased risk for injury. Even though antagonists have opposing actions, they work together to control movement and to stabilize the joint.
#Lying hamstring curl full
The body is full of pairs of antagonists - the muscles usually lie on opposite sides of a bone and they move the joint in opposite directions - a common example is the biceps of the arm - it bends the elbow, and the triceps which straighten the elbow. Hamstrings pull leg behind body, quads pull leg in front of body). These 2 muscle groups are antagonists - this means that they do opposing actions (ie hamstrings bend the knee, quads straighten knee.

Together they (hams & quads) control the movement of the leg, protect the knee from impact, and stabilize the knee. The most important job of the hamstrings is to work in coordination with the quadriceps (muscles on the front of the thigh). Why do this particular movement? CREATE MUSCLE BALANCE WITH THE QUADS Think of your hamstring muscles controlling the lowering, rather than just letting the lower leg fall back down. Strive for very smooth control on the way down - the lower leg (foot) should not wobble in or out as the knee is straightened to the starting position. It is important to know that this part of the exercise, when the band is pulling the foot back down to the ground, is as important as the first part of the exercise - when you are squeezing the heel towards your bottom. This exercise helps to work to the ability to control the movement as the knee straightens. The hamstring has to counter the action of the quadriceps by acting as a brake to slow down the movement. More on the quads + hamstrings connection in the why area, but for now: The hamstrings also do a lot of work just slowing down the movement of the leg FORWARD by the quadriceps (the quads pull the leg forward forward by flexing the hip & straightening the knee). The hamstrings don't just bend the knee or move the leg back behind the body. LOWERING LEG/UNBENDING KNEE JUST AS IMPORTANT IN THIS EXERCISE

The use of an elastic band facilitates training the muscle eccentrically (the muscle being lengthened under load/resistance, a great way to train muscles. When the hamstring is in neutral it will be stronger when bending the knee, so a nice way to work the hamstring muscles. Who cares if the hip joint is creased or isn't? What's the dif? This position allows for working the middle and lower portions of the hamstrings that act to bend the knee (knee flexion) without actively extending the hip. You can try to isolate the muscle and really work on strength and control. In the prone/face down position, the hip does not move and the focus is on using the hamstring muscles to bend the knee. The hamstring can move the leg in two ways - it helps to move the thigh back (extension) and it also bends the knee.

The lying hamstring curl works the hamstring muscles while lying on your stomach - face down, this is also called the prone position (I love laying down exercises don't you?), using a resistance band mounted low to the ground to work the hamstring muscles. But this is one of them! ALL WE'RE DOING IS: Bend your knee. It is not easy to find effective exercises that focus on the hamstrings that you can do at home, since the hamstring muscles are so strong & we often don't have access to equipment or positioning that makes it possible to fully fatigue these muscles at home.